Welcome to <font color="lightblue"> Maple Gateway </font> please Enjoy Smile <font color="red"> Relaunch December 23rd / 2009
Welcome to <font color="lightblue"> Maple Gateway </font> please Enjoy Smile <font color="red"> Relaunch December 23rd / 2009
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Alright, The Server Configuration is Complete , However you cannot make a character for some stupid reason. There are no Errors. So i do not know what the specific problem is , we got a Team fixing as we speak.


 BlowMe's Application

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BlowMe's Application Empty
PostSubject: BlowMe's Application   BlowMe's Application EmptySun Jul 19, 2009 3:40 pm

IGN: BlowMe Reallife name: Gurpreet
I haven't really been a gm in a populated server but I've been in on with around 100 people or so in my friends server. I know most of the commands

I will go around helping out new joiners to the server get the started with commands and such, I will try to increase the population in the server

Some of my skills would be communication, I am good with communicating with people, if there would be a problem with 2 people I would ask one whats there side of the story then the others and come up with a solution.

I should be picked because I am responsible, if someone were to ask me for an item, most likely i would say no if it was a rare item for the server, if it was just some pots or something i would, i will not give out items, they have to earn them.

Yes i am responsible enough for this job because, I am not a little kid and I do not use abusive swearing, like fuck you motherfucking son of a bitch, its not right to act like a thug over the internet I find no point in it. I do not abuse my privileges, there isn't any point in that if you were to choose me for this, why would I abuse it? You picked me because you trusted me and because I am right for the job

If I am accepted I would thank you all for choosing me, then I would most likely try to get people to join the server (friends, online friends) and such, try to get the server populated so its more fun. I will try to host events and such like hide and seek.

If a player is spamming megaphones, I would ask the person to stop spamming the megaphones, if the person does not I would tell them that spamming the megaphones is causing the server to lag and your the only one spamming it PLEASE stop. hopefully they will stop and I wont have to jail them for 20 minutes.I think that would be a fair punishment, I always like to give people another chance.

Any sort of hacking I see I will permanently ban them, I will not tolerate hacking, this is a private server it is so easy to level, its not global. Only perm ban for hackers.

I like this game because its a good way to communicate with people online and have fun with your friends or make new friends. I mainly play this game to pass my time. I personally find this game interesting. I am pretty experienced with this game I've been playing for around 3-4 years.

I want to become a GM because I want to keep this server active and get to know all of the people, and people to get to know me. And I would actually like to be a GM in a populated server which I am pretty sure this one will be Smile

Thanks, BlowMe


Last edited by BlowMe on Mon Jul 20, 2009 3:40 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Join date : 2009-07-14

BlowMe's Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: BlowMe's Application   BlowMe's Application EmptySun Jul 19, 2009 4:43 pm

Excellent App. I hope you get chosen, you have my support 100%. Smile
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Age : 29
Location : New York

BlowMe's Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: BlowMe's Application   BlowMe's Application EmptySun Jul 19, 2009 8:37 pm

O.K application - Not the best I have seen though. I just doesn't have the WOW factor.
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PostSubject: Re: BlowMe's Application   BlowMe's Application Empty

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