Welcome to <font color="lightblue"> Maple Gateway </font> please Enjoy Smile <font color="red"> Relaunch December 23rd / 2009
Welcome to <font color="lightblue"> Maple Gateway </font> please Enjoy Smile <font color="red"> Relaunch December 23rd / 2009
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Alright, The Server Configuration is Complete , However you cannot make a character for some stupid reason. There are no Errors. So i do not know what the specific problem is , we got a Team fixing as we speak.


 Gm Application Layout

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Posts : 82
Join date : 2009-07-14

Gm Application Layout Empty
PostSubject: Gm Application Layout   Gm Application Layout EmptyTue Jul 14, 2009 4:30 pm

Seriously , Do not Copy this Layout into Your Applications i do not wanna see :

Name : ryan Etc.. Just put Ryan , Make it as if you were were applying for a Real Job.

Staff Still Needed in Maple Gateway :
- 1 to 2 GM's Will Decide Tomorrow..
- One Coder (Will Apply Training)


Layout For a Perfect GameMaster :
Your Name :

Your Experience in Past Servers of GM , If you've ever been one :

What you Think that You Will Improve :

Skills Involving In Game Activity :

Emphasize your Opinions on Why you should be picked :

Are you responsible to be Trusted? If so, Why should I Trust you. :
What is your plan Once you are Accepted :

And a Final Test :

A player is spamming Megaphones Constantly and lagging the server. They are Smegaing Profanity about GM's and other players. What will you do to stop them? Do you think Your punishment was logical and fair? Why was it Fair or Not fair?

A player Was Caught Hacking with Damage Hack , What Will you do to Punish them? Ban Them? What kind of ban is fair to the player?

Lastly , I dont care about your life at all. I want your skills and Experience , This isn't Life or Related to your Life, So i want to know about Your opinions and Actions towards the Game. AND DO NOT Post the layout to help with your Application please, Write your own, i dont wanna see

Your Name : Ryan
Why you want to be Picked: I wanna be a GM because.. ~ Etc..

If you are Mature enough to be a GM its manditory you can Write your own Application without my Layout Help. You can Use the Layout Above , just dont Copy and Paste the Questions Within Your Application.

Goodluck to the Final Applications
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Posts : 44
Join date : 2009-07-16
Age : 31
Location : West Coast

Gm Application Layout Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gm Application Layout   Gm Application Layout EmptySat Aug 01, 2009 2:40 pm

I'm getting tired of people trying to tell others to make their application longer.

A gm application doesn't have to be long, it just has to be detailed about specific things. I can make up a bunch of crap and make an application more than 10,000 characters, doesn't mean it will be good. So please people, don't tell others to make their application longer. If the gm application is well explained and doesn't take as much room as the others, just leave it alone, don't tell them to make it longer. I think staff looks for details, experience, not how long you can make an application.

Just read over the application and don't tell them to make it longer if it's good. Very Happy
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Gm Application Layout
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