Welcome to <font color="lightblue"> Maple Gateway </font> please Enjoy Smile <font color="red"> Relaunch December 23rd / 2009
Welcome to <font color="lightblue"> Maple Gateway </font> please Enjoy Smile <font color="red"> Relaunch December 23rd / 2009
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Alright, The Server Configuration is Complete , However you cannot make a character for some stupid reason. There are no Errors. So i do not know what the specific problem is , we got a Team fixing as we speak.


 GM Application

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Posts : 35
Join date : 2009-07-23

GM Application Empty
PostSubject: GM Application   GM Application EmptyThu Jul 23, 2009 4:36 pm

[b]My name: Kevin, for the moment my last name is to remain confidential.

My age: I am 15 turning 16 near the end of this year, the date I will not disclose.

Experiences: I was a GM in a v.55 private server called MeMS (later known as Timeless MS), but this was before player commands and v.62 servers. I was an adept and thoughtful GM who everyone respected and liked. I served as the GM for a month and even after my term was over, people still looked to me for help.

My desire to be a GM: It's as simple as: I want to help people. I do not vie for a higher status among the community nor do I wish for power. All I care is to help the server and all of its players.

Location and Time: I lived in the United States, more specifically the East Coast. My time zone is GMT - 4.

Availability: I can be on nearly every day. I have plenty of free time which I use to play other servers anyways. I am mainly active from 4 P.m. - 11 P.M.

My Contributions: I have played many private servers. As a player and a ex-GM who helped a strict and fair admin, I believe I can offer a lot to the community. Through my nature, I am compelled to help people. However, I do not offer alms; I understand, through personal experiences, the importance of rules and guidelines set forth and the necessity to heed to them. Being a GM doesn't exempt anyone from the rules, it means that one must adhere to a myriad of stricter rules, a lesson I learned during my time as a TimelessMS GM.

If you suspect someone of hacking what will you do?: This is when I go old school. Like any scenario, I need proof: a minimum of 4 screenshots or 10 seconds of fraps. !cheaters is an effective tool, but then again it's not perfect. I may not be up to date with hacks, but for me. four screenshots can be used to identify hackers and justly ban them with legitimate reason. If there is a request for proof, I shall oblige and present and if their is a ban appeal, I'll personally comment.

What will you do if two players get into a fight: I would intervene; possibly separate them and suppress the situation as fast as possible before it escalates. Many quarrels can arise throughout players, from KS-ing to scamming to heated arguments and debates. If the situation is to develop into profanity or cussing, stricter methods may be required. And if it requires, I will ask witnesses to provide help in quelling the fights.

Kill-stealing: Politely ask either participant to find another place or find a compromise between them. Jailing, warping, or temp-banning would be reserved for incredibly uncooperative people or a lack of response (ignoring me or the other person).

Fights between the GMs: I know this far to well, as the GMs in TimelessMS fought constantly. Alas, screenshots and proof to a higher authority is all I can do. If it absolutely comes to it; if a GM goes on a rampage and is unresponsive to negotiation, will I attempt any power against him/her (I once banned another GM and left it up to the Admin to resolve the issue).

It is without question that I will respect not only the rules and other GMs but the server and it's players.

Not a single word of this application is fabricated. I am solemnly honest of every word.

Sincerely Kevin

Final Test

A player is spamming megaphones constantly and lagging the server. They are smegaing profanity about GM's and other players. What will you do to stop them? Do you think your punishment was logical and fair? Why was it fair or not fair? : The first thing I would do would be to d/c the individual then when things get a little more tolerable, mute (which I understand was not possible in the older v.55 servers) the person when they re-log. Then I shall teleport them into an isolated map where we can talk it out. If the player is constantly cussing and spamming profanity, a three-day ban is required. It's like giving a kid a time-out and time to think and repent for his actions. If it were a GM, my powers are limited but if it is required, action will be taken and all punishments taken without complaint.

A player Was Caught Hacking with Damage Hack , What Will you do to Punish them? Ban Them? What kind of ban is fair to the player?: Hacking in general should be banned. A temp-ban for 7 days -and advised for a ban appeal - or a perma-ban should be adequate and supported with proof. I hope to give people the benefit of the doubt. Once punished people often change their ways, but I only give one chance. If they are caught again, it's bye-bye for good.

Last edited by wqsedsa on Fri Jul 24, 2009 11:23 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Small Typo)
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GM Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: GM Application   GM Application EmptyThu Jul 23, 2009 5:12 pm

This is one good Application Very Happy
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GM Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: GM Application   GM Application EmptyThu Jul 23, 2009 5:32 pm

Nice app, good luck.
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Posts : 35
Join date : 2009-07-23

GM Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: GM Application   GM Application EmptyThu Jul 23, 2009 5:51 pm

Thank you very much.
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