Welcome to <font color="lightblue"> Maple Gateway </font> please Enjoy Smile <font color="red"> Relaunch December 23rd / 2009
Welcome to <font color="lightblue"> Maple Gateway </font> please Enjoy Smile <font color="red"> Relaunch December 23rd / 2009
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Alright, The Server Configuration is Complete , However you cannot make a character for some stupid reason. There are no Errors. So i do not know what the specific problem is , we got a Team fixing as we speak.


 Burtoz's Application

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Burtoz's Application Empty
PostSubject: Burtoz's Application   Burtoz's Application EmptyMon Jul 27, 2009 12:24 am

Real name = Kayhan
IGN = Burtoz

Well, to start off...sadly i have never been a Gm on a private server. But I do have some experience in helping and trying to "control" the Maple Community. But, me experiences are greatly challenged. Although I have never been a GM, I easily take the roles of the GM. For example, on the P Server, Destiny Ms, it was very hard to get Timeless Weapons. I had gotten me hands on some and as usual held a "Mini Event". I would make a Quiz through Smega's that would test people's skills in Maple, and as you were thinking, I would give away the Timeless Weapons that I slaved many Z Runs for. Oh, and I have played MANY MANY P Servers in my lifetime....maybe going on 40~50 now.

If I do become a GM, I will most certainly keep the Maple game play to STRICT skill (aka NO HACKS). And through my experiences, I have found the BEST maps that people tend to hack on (all those LITTLE tiny maps that I don't think anyone knows about...) I will also try and improve the amount of people that join (even if I don't become GM, I will make sure people hear about this P Server tongue

I have cat-like reflexes. I can also provide easy entertainment for those people that are like "I HATE TRAINING" or "I'm sick and tired of playing this character." My solution to everything is Laughter Very Happy

My opinion on what you just read would be that it seems like I'm trying too hard, but the truth is, that's just who I am. So if it does turn out you don't like me...I will still have as much fun as possible!bounce

I am a VERY responsible person because I have one rule. That rule is, "If you're authority is higher than mine (Admin) you are to be given nothing but trust and respect because you tried hard to get to that position and don't deserve back talk or back-stabbage."

I plan to play as though I am a normal person, with normal emotions and such, and when required I will whip out my Gm skill's and ONLY use them when necessary or when the server is SLOW (everyone is out training/questing/being noob or whatever you people do. tongue

You know, through those 40~50 server I have played, I see at leased 5 or 6 people a day SPAMing about other poor defenseless people. What I would do is find them, then Jail or Mute them. I don't really think that is fair because of one person sharing their own opinion of other people and causing the rest of the people that don't know what's going on/trying to have fun is just an un-human thing to do. I respect everyone's opinion and what they have to say, but if its causing innocent people to suffer, MUCH too unfair.

A player Was Caught Hacking with Damage Hack , What Will you do to Punish them? Ban Them? What kind of ban is fair to the player? tongue

There are different things I would do to different people depending on what they are doing. Damage hack, I think would get them an easy Ban. I say that because all those little new peeps that are trying to be like Jesus or whatever they look up to to level, and they see this guy hitting like 812735123126 when they can barely kill a slime as they are at the same level is just sad. So instant banning him would be the logical thing to do.

I hope you see this as a reminder that people are just people.
Good Luck to the other people that Applied and may the best man/woman What a Face

P.S. CONGRATZ to Lonnie on the Co-Owner Position.
And to all the other people that became GM's. I am sure you all are going to be responsible for the great game play that is SOON TO COME (apart from Ryan XD).


P.S.S. Famous Quote:
"I did not have sexual relations with that woman..."
~Bill Clinton
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Burtoz's Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Burtoz's Application   Burtoz's Application EmptyMon Jul 27, 2009 1:26 am

This is one good application,
but i have some questions for you..
1. You have said that,
Burtoz wrote:
I would give away the Timeless Weapons that I slaved many Z Runs for.
Does this mean if you have/got the power, you can easily give out items?
2. And you also said that,
Burtoz wrote:
I have cat-like reflexes.
What do you mean by this? Sometimes, having so highly reflexivity turns out to unwanted/unnecessary decisions.

Im just asking...
Goodluck to you. cheers
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Burtoz's Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Burtoz's Application   Burtoz's Application EmptyMon Jul 27, 2009 1:29 am

lol arius you humor me.


anyway, one question for you, arius: how come you're never on vent? D::
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Burtoz's Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Burtoz's Application   Burtoz's Application EmptyMon Jul 27, 2009 2:16 am

-Arius- wrote:
This is one good application,
but i have some questions for you..
1. You have said that,
Burtoz wrote:
I would give away the Timeless Weapons that I slaved many Z Runs for.
Does this mean if you have/got the power, you can easily give out items?
2. And you also said that,
Burtoz wrote:
I have cat-like reflexes.
What do you mean by this? Sometimes, having so highly reflexivity turns out to unwanted/unnecessary decisions.

Im just asking...
Goodluck to you. cheers

First off I meant that I would give the items that took a long time and are pretty rare for the people that struggle...

And the second part... I was just kidding O.O
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Burtoz's Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Burtoz's Application   Burtoz's Application EmptyMon Jul 27, 2009 2:26 am

ok ^_^
just asking.. Razz
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Burtoz's Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Burtoz's Application   Burtoz's Application EmptyMon Jul 27, 2009 2:27 am

Thanks again....
I appreciate Very Happy
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Burtoz's Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Burtoz's Application   Burtoz's Application EmptyMon Jul 27, 2009 7:45 am

Good luck.
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