Welcome to <font color="lightblue"> Maple Gateway </font> please Enjoy Smile <font color="red"> Relaunch December 23rd / 2009
Welcome to <font color="lightblue"> Maple Gateway </font> please Enjoy Smile <font color="red"> Relaunch December 23rd / 2009
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Alright, The Server Configuration is Complete , However you cannot make a character for some stupid reason. There are no Errors. So i do not know what the specific problem is , we got a Team fixing as we speak.


 Jack'S gm/intern application

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Posts : 3
Join date : 2009-07-24

Jack'S gm/intern application Empty
PostSubject: Jack'S gm/intern application   Jack'S gm/intern application EmptySat Jul 25, 2009 12:50 am

My name is Jack
I'm turning 13 in August =)

I have no experience. Never been a gm in a p.server. I think I have enough experience because I was a rank 2 in titles weegeems. Also I been playing maplestory for 5 years since i was in grade 2.

To improve overall gameplay such as getting the players to vote for maplegateway. Then we would be in a higher rank so more people/maplers would join. Basically, I just want to help & satisfy the players with whatever I can do for them .

The skill that dominates most is that I enjoy talking to people & getting to know them. Basically trying to keep them company and trying to help them enjoy playing Maple Gateway. I'd first start talking to them & getting to know them better. I also like talking a lot on ventrilo so I can get to know others even better.

I think you should pick me because I'm really friendly and I greet new maplers as soon as I see them. If anyone needed help I would help immediately help them. I can enjoy host events like : Hide n seek, Fashion Contest, Trivia, Jump Quest and many more! So it makes maplegateway more fun.

I'm very trustworthy, I have a big heart that I'd share with those who deserve it. I believe everyone in this server deserves my heart because this server has a lot of great & kind people on it. I'm glad to be part of this server & I'd never backstab I will guarantee 100% I will never do anything wrong or back stab you(Ryan) or any gm staff.

My plan is to get to work right away after I've been accepted as a GM. Welcoming the new players that join & that I see. Meeting new people, helping them, hosting events when needed & making sure everyone is happy while I do my job (:

I believe its unfair for the server & to the players that the spammer is lagging them. Also if I was in this position I will ask the person Nicely to stop. If they keep on doing it ill just jail them for 10-30 minutes. [Of course I'd take SS's for proof that he was spamming & such]. If he is still spamming I'd take an ss & ban him. Then when Ryan gets on I'd show Ryan why I banned this person & the SS

If I saw a hacker using damaging hack I would hide first then I would screen shot it. After I would permanent ban because they shouldn't even do it in the first place.

I would love to meet everyone on maplegateway. Also to help the server by not crashing it.I would love to host events to make it fun for the maplers and make them happy. Also it create less Drama =)

I wanna be a gm because I never been a gm and I want to experience how it feels. Secondly I wanna be a big part of the server and help new maplers and make them welcome. Lastly I wanna become a gm because I wanna host event for the people that are bored.

Some facts about me: I'm heading to grade 8. I play for my city's basketball team. I love sports and games. I'm very friendly and kind to people around me.I am very intelligent I don't think my App has any mistakes. Ty I hope you guys like it. HOPE I PASS!
(= <3 d:D

PS: If I'm not acepted as a gm. Can I be an intern?
Sincerely, Jack d;) Twisted Evil

Last edited by Jack on Sun Jul 26, 2009 7:25 am; edited 10 times in total
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Join date : 2009-07-22
Age : 29
Location : Spring, Texas, United States

Jack'S gm/intern application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jack'S gm/intern application   Jack'S gm/intern application EmptySat Jul 25, 2009 1:18 am

"I nevered backs stabbed"- Nice grammar Razz hahha might wanna fixed that son afro
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Posts : 23
Join date : 2009-07-25

Jack'S gm/intern application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jack'S gm/intern application   Jack'S gm/intern application EmptySat Jul 25, 2009 6:12 pm

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