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Alright, The Server Configuration is Complete , However you cannot make a character for some stupid reason. There are no Errors. So i do not know what the specific problem is , we got a Team fixing as we speak.


 Coder Appliation Example and Layout/Test

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Posts : 82
Join date : 2009-07-14

Coder Appliation Example and Layout/Test Empty
PostSubject: Coder Appliation Example and Layout/Test   Coder Appliation Example and Layout/Test EmptyTue Jul 14, 2009 4:22 pm

Examples Of a Layout Used. Copying Mine Will Result in Disqualification of Applications Forever (Ip Traced)

Backround Info:

Name : Ryan
Location : Saskatchewan Canada.
Contact Information Regarding Questions :
< I Do Have Ventrilo Incase you need to interview me Further for Trust issues >

Any Further Info Regarding the APP Please Ask.

Section A - Java

Alright Simple as that , scripts run off your Java and JAR files for compiling
Basically all you need to know is, if you need something done , describe it to me and it should be up within 1- 4hours depending on the length and detail of your idea


Npc Configuation and Custom NPC : 100% Mastered

Filtering without spamming on strings : 100% Mastered

Creating New Wz Edits for The new 130 - 190 items : 50% Done , Learning on Display images.

Creating Monster Edits (Damage Drops XML Edits, Hp Triggers Spawn Rates: 100% Mastered

Section B - PHP

Usually with maple private servers, PHP isn't needed due to the Admin or developer Buying their Skins that already have the PHP and HTML built into them . But i Can manage to edit sites , functions or text boxes , Check Boxes, Buttons Etc you name it , i got it.
Section C - Functions and C++

Function :
- Able To Create Custom Functions and Reactor's for stable gameplay
- Able to exceed the bandwidth to a new limit so server runs smooth
- Able to construct new BAT files to run on minimal bandwidth
- Able mass code functions in very short time intervals

C++ :

- Mastery Of all coding regarding C++ , String ,Boolean, Function , Hex,
- Able to Hex Edit clients to Add Unlimited FJ Without DC, Increase Damage Caps, Super Loots, Easy Connecting. Etc..

Additional Skills:
- Able to Code Scripts From Scratch to make servers and functions Unique
- Able to Quick Edit Integers (Removing items from shops , editing stats)

Total All Around Experience : [ ||||||||||||||||||| ] 94%

And the Final Test :

Answer These Within Your Application ,

How do you Compile Commands for Players Admins, GM's and Donators?

How Do you Create Custom Weapon Edits (Weapon Attack Etc.. )

What do you Edit in order to Make a NPC function Unique from Other Servers?

Lastly, Before You Try to Compile Anything, What Must you Create?

My True Application UP TO DATE

New and Improved Updates and New Features i am able to Use and Manipulate! Very Happy

[glow=lime,2,300]Backround Information[/glow]

[shadow=red,left]Name[/shadow] : Ryan or Josh Works

[shadow=red,left]Location[/shadow] : City of Saskatoon, in the Province of Saskatchewan,Canada

[glow=lime,2,300]Additional Contact Information[/glow]

[glow=hotpink,2,300][MSN][/glow] -

[glow=red,2,300][AIM][/glow] - xRyanRebs

[glow=limegreen,2,300]Interview Information[/glow]


Server IP :

Port ID : 3004

I Am an Admin in this Vent , Please Respect others to avoid a temporary Suspension, Everyone is Welcome, you NEED a Mic.

[glow=blue,2,300]Custom Functions[/glow]

- Able To Create Custom Functions and Reactor's for stable gameplay

- Able to construct and Merge BAT Files, As Opening Three Uses More Memory than it Should.

- Able to mass code functions in very short time intervals

As Far as This Section goes, I think i still have Further to Learn That Regards Learning about Server memory, What its limits are, and how far you can Tweak it.

Server Function Experience [|||||||||||||||| ] 80 %

[glow=violet,2,300]Java Capabilites[/glow]

- I am Able to create Custom Scripts from Scratch, This Allows and Insures no Plagarism is Used and No Theft of Ideas are Used, As this will create a unique NPC or Trigger to Allow difference from other Server

- The Ability to Manipulate Long Ugly Code, into Short Code that has Notes, for Future Dev's to Show them What the Triggers do , why they are there , and Why i need them in order for the Script to Work Successfully.

- As Java Language is only a Part of coding, I Can Use a Compiler, Such as Netbeans to Edit JAR Files in order to Change the Server Sided Security such as Autobans, Damage Caps, Skill Edits, Commands and More.

Java Experience [|||||||||||||||||| ] 90%

[glow=skyblue,2,300]PHP Skills and Uses[/glow]

As Far as PHP Goes, the Only Thing i can Mainly be at use for, is Creating Brand New Skins and Pages for Navigation, As it seems the Forum is pretty Well made and works fine.

As for PHP and HTML, I havent been to Far Around to Learn that , as im not interested in creating custom Skins that may be discarded Extremly quickly, I am more interested into How Coding Works Rather than a Spam of Commands for Colors and Borderlines.

PHP and HTML Experience [|||||||||||| ] 60 %

[glow=orange,2,300]New Skills Learned[/glow]

- The Ability to Link the SQL to the Cype Webpage , to Show the avatar of players .

- The Ability to Create new WZ . Edits with Custom Appearance, As i have learned how to inject Display Images.

- The Ability to make Client Sided Skill Graphics , I Am Learning on how to Create it for All , Without keeping it just Client Sided.

- The Ability to Send a Wz Scan Out before Execution of the Citystory Client, to Avoid Wz Edited Hacks

- Able to Create Custom Client and Caps for Game Masters and Staff throughout the Game

Ambition to Learn More Advanced Features? Very Happy
[||||||||||||||||||||] 100 %! Very Happy

Overall Experience for Maplestory [|||||||||||||||| ] 80 %
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Coder Appliation Example and Layout/Test
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