Welcome to <font color="lightblue"> Maple Gateway </font> please Enjoy Smile <font color="red"> Relaunch December 23rd / 2009
Welcome to <font color="lightblue"> Maple Gateway </font> please Enjoy Smile <font color="red"> Relaunch December 23rd / 2009
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Alright, The Server Configuration is Complete , However you cannot make a character for some stupid reason. There are no Errors. So i do not know what the specific problem is , we got a Team fixing as we speak.


 Nick's GM/Coder App.

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Join date : 2009-07-14

Nick's GM/Coder App. Empty
PostSubject: Nick's GM/Coder App.   Nick's GM/Coder App. EmptyTue Jul 14, 2009 5:24 pm

Haihai everyone. Smile

My name is Nick.

My experiences of being a GM in past servers. I have been a GM on around four servers (SavionMS, BearHugsMS, I really can't remember the other names) and I have great knowledge about private servers and how to be a good and fair GM.

I think I will improve a lot on this server. I will bring in new people(for sure) and I will always try to put my best ideas out there for Ryan and the other coders (if I'm not picked, if I am I'll ask Ryan for assistance to help me).

I've been playing maple for around four years, and private servers ever since OdinMS came out. I have a fair amount of knowledge about Private Servers Skills as well as GM Roles.

I should be picked, because I'm great at helping people. I always bring in new idea's, and I'm very friendly. I'm on the server a lot too; so I'll always be there for assistance or just if someone needs someone fun to talk to in other words, entertainment. Smile

Yes, I am responsible enough to be trusted. You should trust me because I'm already devoted to this server! I've been on all day when it was up. I'd never do any of that backstabbing, lying, or cheating shit. If you decide to trust me with GM powers, I promise that you will not regret it one bit. :]

Well, nothing would really change about my plans. I will still stay devoted to the server and helping people.

Final Test :

A player is spamming Megaphones Constantly and lagging the server. They are Smegaing Profanity about GM's and other players. What will you do to stop them? Do you think Your punishment was logical and fair? Why was it Fair or Not fair?

Firstly, as soon as I see the spam, the person would be immediately muted, as well as jailed. I would give them about 10 - 15 minutes of being muted + jailed, then I would unmute and unjail them. If the spam persists, I would ban them. Yes, I do think this would be a logical and fair punishment because I gave the player a chance to stop, and they didn't take it. Their fault, not mine. Smile

A player Was Caught Hacking with Damage Hack , What Will you do to Punish them? Ban Them? What kind of ban is fair to the player?

Banned. I wouldn't think twice about it either. Damage hacking is simply a no-no, and if I catch someone doing it, they will be immediately banned. I would probably ban them for a month. When they come back on the server, if they are still continuing to hack, then I'll perma ban. I gave them a chance, and they did't take it.

Edit: Coder - Well, I'm interested in the coder position too. Though I have no experience with it, I'd like to learn how to code from someone experienced like you. I will bring in many idea's of my own and try to implement them, with the help and permission of you. If chosen for this, I will not give up because it's too hard. I'll stick with it; and eventually be a pretty good coder. Smile

Well, there's my app.


Last edited by Nick on Wed Jul 15, 2009 8:42 am; edited 2 times in total
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Nick's GM/Coder App. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nick's GM/Coder App.   Nick's GM/Coder App. EmptyTue Jul 14, 2009 5:29 pm

Nice application Nick. I think you could make a really good GM. I really appreciate you putting effort into your application. I hope to see you as a GM soon. Good job.

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Nick's GM/Coder App. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nick's GM/Coder App.   Nick's GM/Coder App. EmptyTue Jul 14, 2009 5:58 pm

Thank you. Smile
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Nick's GM/Coder App. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nick's GM/Coder App.   Nick's GM/Coder App. EmptySun Jul 19, 2009 1:38 am

Welcome to the Team , You Have been given Coder Position, Do not Abuse Your Powers Razz

You Will Be Given Training by a Superior such as Myself on how to do the Following :

Java Scripts :
- Editing Java Scripts into NPC edits
- Editing Java Scripts to Manipulate Monster Functions
- Editing Scripts in order to Create personal Signitures and Message Commands
- SQL Diversity to Execute Files incase we have Data base Errors Through Java JAR Files.
- Executing Scripts Firsthand While Playing games , to make changes without Restarting the Server

XML Edits :
- Editing Stats Through Items XML Edits to Make Custom Equips
- XML Images to create Flame/Ice Effects on Weapons
- XML Edits to Manipulate Quest Rewards
- XML Edits to Construct More Monster Spawns
- XML Edits Remove Permanent NPC's

Compiling Training :
- To Create the Ability to Create new Commands without Help of Tutorials.
- To Gain Mastery in Compiling Structures and New Functions
- To Gain IP Addresses of People Hating on you (Vengeance Members)
- The Ability to Mac Ban Players/People From Any Location of Your Choice

SQL Training :
- The Ability to Restart the Server using a Auto Restarter with BAT Files
- The Ability to Create a Database from Scratch.

Welcome to the Team Once Again , We Will Start Training As the Server Preceeds
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Nick's GM/Coder App. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nick's GM/Coder App.   Nick's GM/Coder App. EmptySun Jul 19, 2009 2:40 am

Grats Nick!
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Nick's GM/Coder App. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nick's GM/Coder App.   Nick's GM/Coder App. EmptySun Jul 19, 2009 8:17 am

Congratulations on Coder position Nick!
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Nick's GM/Coder App. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nick's GM/Coder App.   Nick's GM/Coder App. EmptySun Jul 19, 2009 10:59 am

Thanks Guys! Very Happy
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Nick's GM/Coder App. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nick's GM/Coder App.   Nick's GM/Coder App. EmptySun Jul 19, 2009 7:09 pm

Congrats Nick. :]
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Nick's GM/Coder App. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nick's GM/Coder App.   Nick's GM/Coder App. EmptySun Jul 19, 2009 7:18 pm

gratz my nub
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