Welcome to <font color="lightblue"> Maple Gateway </font> please Enjoy Smile <font color="red"> Relaunch December 23rd / 2009
Welcome to <font color="lightblue"> Maple Gateway </font> please Enjoy Smile <font color="red"> Relaunch December 23rd / 2009
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Alright, The Server Configuration is Complete , However you cannot make a character for some stupid reason. There are no Errors. So i do not know what the specific problem is , we got a Team fixing as we speak.


 Oliver's New GM APP

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Join date : 2009-07-19

Oliver's New GM APP Empty
PostSubject: Oliver's New GM APP   Oliver's New GM APP EmptyMon Jul 20, 2009 9:03 am

my name is Oliver and I'm 13 years old. I have been playing Maple Story for over three years and I play under the IGN Oliver And/or if that's taken i will play under the name Phiox.

I have been a GM on a few different servers and I have hosted my own server for a short while. I have all of the GM commands memorized and I know how to use each and every one of them. I also have a lvl 71 ranger on global its IGN is jerzyyking if you want to see it.

I am very experienced in tech support and I'm able to fix almost any problem a player is having, assuming they have the intelligence to follow directions. I've never been not able to help somebody fix their problem.

I'm not going to even go into my skills at banning hackers. People always put that and act like it's amazing that they can ban lots of them. It's nothing special to me, really, it's simple and most of the time hackers don't get by me.

I am very experienced in hacking so I know what all the hackers are doing to try to gain an unfair advantage in this game
. I know the name of every hack and I can instantly recognize any of them. I know what hackers do to try and avoid the GMs, I know what hacks they use, and I know where they go. Chances are I'm a more experienced hacker than any given hacker that tries to hack on a server I'm playing.

You can trust me because im not one of those people who use gm powers for fun. i like to help others. I also hate liars and i am not one so i wont lie unless me or you are playing around like joking or what ever. Also i can follow instructions very easily and I don't need to be told twice what the rules are.

I'm very fair when it comes to punishment and I will usually hear anyone out when giving out consequences. If someone is using smegas and talking bad i will jail or mute, i think this is very fair because they are not allowed to do this.

Useing a damage hack is a big ban right there. if i catch any player hacking i will ban them with out even letting them see me. its not right to hack in servers that do not allow it. Also i don't think temp banning is the right kind of ban they can come back again and hack again. so they will be banned for ever.

Thank's your for your time to read this.
Also sorry that my last gm app was a big fail i really rushed it.Crying or Very sad this one it took time Laughing

Last edited by Oliver on Wed Jul 22, 2009 10:19 am; edited 1 time in total
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Join date : 2009-07-14

Oliver's New GM APP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oliver's New GM APP   Oliver's New GM APP EmptyMon Jul 20, 2009 9:33 am

Yeah, I can see that you've put much more effort into this app. Good luck. :]
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Oliver's New GM APP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oliver's New GM APP   Oliver's New GM APP EmptyMon Jul 20, 2009 9:48 am

Goodluck Oliver cheers
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Oliver's New GM APP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oliver's New GM APP   Oliver's New GM APP EmptyMon Jul 20, 2009 10:22 am

I am very experienced in tech support and I'm able to fix almost any problem a player is having, assuming they have the intelligence to follow directions. I've never been not able to help somebody fix their problem.

I do not believe that you have NEVER been not able to help someone.
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Oliver's New GM APP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oliver's New GM APP   Oliver's New GM APP EmptyMon Jul 20, 2009 11:33 am

Lindsay wrote:
I am very experienced in tech support and I'm able to fix almost any problem a player is having, assuming they have the intelligence to follow directions. I've never been not able to help somebody fix their problem.

I do not believe that you have NEVER been not able to help someone.

Anyone with a normal problem yes. but very stupid ones like they want to be gms? NO
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PostSubject: Re: Oliver's New GM APP   Oliver's New GM APP Empty

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