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Alright, The Server Configuration is Complete , However you cannot make a character for some stupid reason. There are no Errors. So i do not know what the specific problem is , we got a Team fixing as we speak.


 Guild teritorries

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Guild teritorries Empty
PostSubject: Guild teritorries   Guild teritorries EmptyTue Jul 28, 2009 7:49 am

Ive seen in 1 private server ive played that they had a very unique feature called guild territories. Guild territories are maps that guilds get points for killing monsters, if you get 5000 points the guild gets that territory.

For Example: lets say a guild called maplegateway kills a snail at henesys hunting ground, that would be 1 point, if they get 5000 points, the guild owns the territory. When a guild owns a territory,they get better exp and meso rates if your in the guild that owns it. thats not all, if a guild that doesnt own it get more points then you, they own the territory then, also, after a guild owns a territory, they can level it up.

example: You just got the 5000 points and now have a lvl 1 territory at this map, if you get maybe 7500 more points at that map, you become level 2, which gives you even more exp rates and meso! Once a guild reaches level 5, the drop rate even goes up there! Just an out there suggestion if its possible for you to do in the near future!

I know it is possible because ive seen it for myself.

and also, can you open up something out there in the jobs section like event host or something? i am extremely good at it. and i dont want to apply for a GM anymore Smile if there is please tell me Very Happy
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Guild teritorries Empty
PostSubject: Re: Guild teritorries   Guild teritorries EmptyTue Jul 28, 2009 8:48 am

This sounds cool!
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Guild teritorries Empty
PostSubject: Re: Guild teritorries   Guild teritorries EmptyTue Jul 28, 2009 1:16 pm

wow that sounds really interesting.
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Guild teritorries Empty
PostSubject: Re: Guild teritorries   Guild teritorries EmptyThu Jul 30, 2009 1:11 pm

How much more xp, and mesos are you thinking about? Although this sounds like a good idea, bumping up the xp rates might be bad. The server is pretty high as is, but this idea is also great. What if other people from a different guild try to hog your map?

From your suggestion, I think we should have a minimal increase rate in xp and mesos if your idea was implemented. Expansion on your idea:
Level 1 ~ 1.2x xp and 1.2x mesos Required Points: 1,000
Level 2 ~ 1.4x xp and 1.4x mesos Required Points: 3,000
Level 3 ~ 1.6x xp and 1.6x mesos Required Points: 6,000
Level 4 ~ 1.8x xp and 1.8x mesos Required Points: 10,000
Level 5 ~ 2x xp and 2x mesos Required Points: 15,000

At this rate, it should be easy to level still, so maybe the true xp rate and meso rate could be dropped a little. That would be good, making people work more to gain handicaps.
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Guild teritorries Empty
PostSubject: Re: Guild teritorries   Guild teritorries EmptyThu Jul 30, 2009 1:38 pm

Good idea ;O, It would be fun for the players.
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PostSubject: Re: Guild teritorries   Guild teritorries EmptyThu Jul 30, 2009 2:03 pm

I think a good addition to this would be to have maps reset after 1 day or maybe even 1 week. This would let new guilds have a chance at taking over territories.
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Guild teritorries Empty
PostSubject: Re: Guild teritorries   Guild teritorries EmptySun Aug 02, 2009 9:44 pm

Lonely wrote:
How much more xp, and mesos are you thinking about? Although this sounds like a good idea, bumping up the xp rates might be bad. The server is pretty high as is, but this idea is also great. What if other people from a different guild try to hog your map?

From your suggestion, I think we should have a minimal increase rate in xp and mesos if your idea was implemented. Expansion on your idea:
Level 1 ~ 1.2x xp and 1.2x mesos Required Points: 1,000
Level 2 ~ 1.4x xp and 1.4x mesos Required Points: 3,000
Level 3 ~ 1.6x xp and 1.6x mesos Required Points: 6,000
Level 4 ~ 1.8x xp and 1.8x mesos Required Points: 10,000
Level 5 ~ 2x xp and 2x mesos Required Points: 15,000

At this rate, it should be easy to level still, so maybe the true xp rate and meso rate could be dropped a little. That would be good, making people work more to gain handicaps.

im just throwing in a suggestion, but if i had to do the increase i would start with 1.2 like you said, but at the next level i would jump to 1.5, then 2, then 2.5, then 3 (im talking about xp and meso increase.) and at level 5 an extra at 3x drop. it may seem like alot, but its only on certain maps. (example, hhg could be 1 while forest of golem could be another, just to make an example.)

ALliance wrote:
I think a good addition to this would be to have maps reset after 1 day or maybe even 1 week. This would let new guilds have a chance at taking over territories.

forgot about that. every once in a while, it will reset the points, due to if a guild is overpowered and has to many points no one will be able to catch up. but resetig everyday, or even every week, wouldnt be enough time to get to level 4 even. every 2-4 weeks would be a good timespan for a reset. so that the littler guilds could be able to keep the territories a little bit. and remember, if a different guild gets more points then the owner, they get the territory at the level the other person had it at.

i also forgot to mention that there is an npc that goes with it, he will say the current owners and the amount of points all the guilds have, updated hourly or daily.

once again its all possible, but i dont know how to get it to do this function. i ill try to find the server that had this function and ask them, if ryan likes this idea i could give him details on how to do it if i can find out, asuming he cant figure it out

i hope we can get this working somehow Razz Razz Razz Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil
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Guild teritorries Empty
PostSubject: Re: Guild teritorries   Guild teritorries EmptyThu Sep 02, 2010 6:00 pm

wow that sounds really interesting
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